Friday, January 7, 2011

Upcoming shows...

Just picked up a last minute show. Tomorrow, Sat. Jan 8 @365 15th 8pm. All we know is we're playing with Fratricide. Might also be doing one Tuesday, I'll keep you posted. Lastly, just confirmed Sun. Jan 16 @15th haus with some sweet bands, come out and dance.

Monday, January 3, 2011

We came, we saw, we kicked it's ass...

What's up everyone? New Years was sick! Had a blast. Thanks to everyone who came out. Thanks to the other bands too! Fratricide, Hound Phelator, Don't Budge, Social Abortion and Sarah Stain. Extra thanks to Don't Budge and Tapeworm for the gear usage. We're trying to get some more shows lined up now that we got the first one out of the way, if you want us to come party hit us up. In the meantime, only a little late for Christmas, here's some free demo songs. They're rough but hey, they're free and you didn't exactly get us anything. Feel free to share them or whatever. We still have some shirts available. Gonna work this week on more shirts, some smaller sizes too as well as possibly some buttons, we'll see how that goes.



Ephemeral Something-

Epic FAIL-


Punch the Clock-

Spare Me-


You will be dead-

Also, if anyone has photos from the show please send them to, we need more propaganda.


Thursday, December 23, 2010

Hide yer kids, hide yer wives...

NEW YEAR'S!!! First show, New Years Eve with Locusta and other bands, not sure who.
Gon be F-n rad!!!
Be there or be not!!!
The Boneyard, 8 pm, hit us up if you need directions.

Also, we now have shirts and patches, screenprinted by yours truly. Supplies are limited. $ 6 gets you a shirt, demo and patch, best deal in town!!!

Scratch and Sniff patches are made from unwashed recycled jeans from the band!!! How cool is that?!?!

That's all for now, see you soon, Feliz Navidad!!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

You will be dead...

This video takes lo-fi to a whole new level of suck, enjoy...

In the beginning...

Welcome to the Mickey Mauser blog, we'll be posting news, downloads, video links, show dates and possibly nude photos of Greg. Let us know if you want us to play or anything you'd like to see on here. Trying to book our first show sometime in the next month, see you soon!